I spent most of the day yesterday making a good sourdough loaf. Gave it plenty of time for the gluten to develop nicely, multiple foldings in the final stages – a lot of work, but it is worth it.

But this morning, since the sourdough starter is going a bit mad, I decided to use some. (Admittedly, I could put the starter in the fridge, but I sort of like watching it grow so rapidly.)
I have a silicone “seashell” sort of shaped baking mold – not sure what it was intended for. Possibly choux pastry? Or maybe as a chocolate mold.
But I mixed a bit of the live starter with a bit of salt, and put it straight into the molds. I only let it sit for about 15 minutes, while the oven got hot.

And they are dilightful! The bottom of each have the pale shapes like a seashell. The tops are more normal bread crust texture. And they have each got a hollow spot in the middle! Slit it open, slide in butter or cheese – and all ready to eat!
Overall effort? Hardly any, so I’ll remember this one for the future…